A tragic accident occurred when an air ambulance helicopter crashed ominously into a hospital, causing grave consequences.
This unfortunate event led to the untimely death of four individuals, with several others suffering injuries.

Detailed reports reveal that the helicopter met its fate shortly after take-off. The vehicle was navigating through dense fog in southwestern Turkey when it catastrophically descended beside a building.
The helicopter had just lifted off from the hospital rooftop in Mugla, despite severely limited visibility conditions.
It was intended to make its way to Antalya, Turkey. Footage aired on the NTV television channel showed the helicopter’s initial steady take-off but, due to the heavy fog, it deviated erratically just minutes after leaving the ground.

The helicopter tragically landed in a vast empty field adjacent to the hospital it had struck, as Turkish media reports confirmed.
It collided with a large building before crashing down, obliterating upon impact and scattering debris everywhere.

Devastating images from the scene show the chaotic aftermath, with damaged hospital panels and helicopter wreckage strewn across the area. The Turkish media has not yet provided further updates.