Big Sur or Big Sure-fire Way to Rejuvenate Your Soul?

Ah, Big Sur, California. If you’ve ever wanted to whisper sweet nothings to your inner hippie while staring into the abyss of the Pacific Ocean, look no further. This is the place where Kerouac and friends probably said ‘man, this is it’ at least once, and you will too. Nestled between the Santa Lucia Mountains and the Pacific, Big Sur is less of a place and more of a ‘vibe’ that can be summarized as Earth’s attempt at showing off.

Let’s start with the drive – Highway 1. It’s as if every turn is another page of a photo album you didn’t know you had. Every corner promises oohs and aahs, with vistas so stunning they make your default laptop wallpaper look like a dull painting in a dentist’s waiting room. Note to self and others: if you’re going to daydream, this is not the place. The roads demand your undivided attention, much like a diva, but trust me, they’re worth every glance.

Now, onto the ‘what to do’ in Big Sur, which is frankly an ironic question because the answer is simple: soak it all in. You could visit the iconic Bixby Creek Bridge, stand awe-struck, and possibly recreate every travel influencer’s post from 2015. Or find solace at the McWay Falls, an 80-foot tall waterfall that doesn’t believe in the beach, opting instead to gracefully land directly into the ocean. It’s the kind of natural phenomena that makes you question your life choices and wonder why you’re not a waterfall.

For the spiritually inclined or those simply in search of inner peace, the Esalen Institute offers workshops that range from yoga to deep introspective seminars that may just unravel the mysteries of your soul. Or at least let you stretch really well.

And let’s not forget the accommodations. From glamping in yurts under a blanket of stars to cozying up in an eco-resort that makes you question if hobbits were onto something, Big Sur has got you covered.

To sum up, Big Sur is not just a destination; it’s an experience. It’s where you go to remember how to breathe, to marvel at nature’s artwork, and to remind yourself that yes, the world is a beautiful place. So, pack your bags, but leave your worries behind. Big Sur is waiting to teach you how to say ‘wow’ in a hundred different ways, and honestly, isn’t that what we’re all searching for?