Jackson Bezzant is a cheerful 7-year-old who was enjoying a normal day at school when it took a turn for the worse. While he sat eating his breakfast, he was approached by three older students who cruelly called him names such as ‘ugly’ and ‘monster.’
Thankfully, a compassionate teacher noticed this heartbreaking situation and stepped in to stop the bullies, but the pain had already left its mark on Jackson’s heart and his father’s emotions.

Jackson was born with a rare condition known as Treacher Collins Syndrome, which is a genetic disorder. This condition is characterized by deformities of the face including the chin, cheekbones, eyes, and ears. As a result, young Jackson is almost deaf and has had surgery to support his eye.
Dad, Dan Bezzant, shared a raw and heartfelt account of their daily struggles on Facebook. He recalled a moment when a stranger made a hurtful remark about Jackson’s appearance, highlighting the insensitive behavior they often encounter.

“Right now, my heart is shattered,” Dan began his post. “It feels as if my soul is being torn apart seeing my loving son, Jackson, have to face cruel comments and ignorance from those around him.”
Dan detailed the distressing reality that Jackson is called ugly, freak, and monster nearly every day by his peers. The weight of these words is immense on such a young child, leading him to mention thoughts of self-harm despite not even being eight years old.

“He feels isolated, claiming that he has no friends and believes everyone is against him. I can’t express how heartbreaking it is to hear him say that while others throw rocks and hurl insults,” Dan explained. “Please take a moment to imagine if this were your child.”
Dan’s plea continued, urging parents to talk with their children about accepting and understanding those with special needs. He asked them to learn about Treacher Collins Syndrome, hoping that spreading awareness would foster kindness and empathy.

“Our family has faced challenging moments due to Jackson’s condition, including multiple surgeries. Yet, his spirit is strong,” Dan expressed, asking everyone to strive for education and understanding over judgment.

The online community responded with a surge of support, leading many children at Jackson’s school to extend their friendship and understanding to him and his family.
“I want my message to be a wake-up call,” Dan emphasized. “Let us teach our kids the importance of empathy and why bullying of any kind should never be accepted.”
Parents, guardians, and those in a position to influence young minds must continue these conversations. This isn’t just about Jackson—it’s about creating an accepting world where every child can feel loved and safe. Let us remember, kindness and compassion can change lives.