In a case of what can only be described as ‘Welcome to 2023’, a father’s decision to carry his dog instead of his son has set the internet ablaze. Picture this: you’re cruising along in your car and you see a man, not just any man, but a man who chooses to coddle his canine over, wait for it, his own offspring. A woman caught this mind-twisting scenario on video and, of course, plastered it all over TikTok.

Yes, Luz Elena, modern-day vigilante, captured a video where a guy is one-arming his dog while holding his child’s hand. It’s the quintessential image of ‘daddy loves you but poochie gets the royal treatment.’ Luz, probably shaking her head in the driver’s seat, captioned it, quite sassily, ‘When your priority is your dog, not the child.’
Despite being shot back in May 2022, this golden nugget of fatherly affection has resurfaced to vibrant life in the form of over 4 million views and 5,000 passionate comments. Clearly, this video is the drama we didn’t know we needed.
What’s mind-blowing is the wave of online defense for this doting dog dad. The overwhelming majority sided with his choice. One user, dripping with practicality, commented, ‘If his leg’s hurt, the child has good tennis shoes.’ Ah, the wisdom of the online community shining through like a beacon of