A tragic event has unfolded in a popular Brazilian tourist destination, leaving many shaken and heartbroken. Recently, a devastating plane crash resulted in the loss of ten family members’ lives.
The accident occurred when the aircraft clipped the chimney of a second-story building, leading to a fiery explosion soon after.
The small plane involved was a Piper Cheyenne 400 turboprop. It tragically crashed into a bustling commercial area in the city of Gramado in Southern Brazil. Local civil defense authorities confirmed the location of the crash.
Piloted by businessman Luiz Claudio, the aircraft carried his beloved family members onboard. Sadly, the incident took all their lives.
Taking off from the nearby city of Canela, the plane met with disaster shortly after. It struck both a building and a residence before crashing into a furniture store.
No one survived the crash as its impact ignited a fiery blaze, Brazilian police officers have reported. It was a truly tragic day.
The terrifying scene was captured by CCTV footage, illustrating the moments when people on the street ran in panic to escape the path of the incoming aircraft.
Engulfed in flames, the jet lit up the skies before succumbing to gravity and crashing down. Eyewitnesses described the shocking ordeal, emphasizing the dense smoke that filled the air while emergency services hurried to the site of the disaster.