The well-known killer whale, who became famous for holding onto her deceased calf for over two weeks, has at last welcomed a new baby into her life.
Back in 2018, a series of researchers identified this devoted mother orca as J35. It was a tough time for her, as she wasn’t willing or able to let her young one go at that moment. She held on tight during an emotional journey, spanning 1,000 miles of ocean.

But now, there’s heartwarming news to share. Last Friday, observers caught sight of this dedicated mom with a new female calf in the waters of Puget Sound. This spotted sight brought a wave of hope and happiness to many marine scientists.

One of the scientists shared their first thoughts, saying, “As soon as I saw the calf, I was completely taken aback. At first, I was just trying to identify which whales they were as they swam past the ferry’s port side.”
Going through the sequence of events, there was a realization. This time, the calf was clearly younger and smaller than any known young ones in this group of orcas.

“Looking at the size and the distinct color of the calf, it became evident that this was a fresh start—a new beginning. Observing them traveling together, it’s clear that these magnificent creatures, much like humans, show affection toward their offspring, nurturing them until they grow,” the researcher shared.
Initially, there was surprised astonishment among the observers. But knowing the struggles and heartache this magnificent whale had endured, the joy and relief were palpable.
It’s touching to witness such resilience in nature. The new calf symbolizes a fresh chapter, a hopeful beginning after loss. It’s a gentle reminder of how life continues and renews, even in the vast ocean depths. This incredible journey of J35 reminds us of the strength and tenderness inherent in parenthood, among humans and animals alike.